"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Albus Dumbledore
Symbols of Love come in many forms. Glimpses of these symbols serve as reminders and convey messages of compassion, ardor, passion and tenderness to us every day. If you desire more of this in your life, or wish for more in the lives of those around you, all you need is to concentrate on the energy of it. Keep it present. Open up to love and love will open up to you.
These Loveburd Totems are symbols of Love. For some, they are a focus point to bring more enchantment into their lives. They bestow their keepers with warm hearted fortunate feelings. Keepers can choose to use them in their daily ritual to give these feelings a more prominent appearance in their lives.
Choose one that speaks to you. Put this symbol in a prominent place where you see it often. Meditate or sleep with it and invoke your Totem before sleeping and again upon waking, always remaining positively focused on your highest idea of Love. You may also choose to give one (or two) as a "GIFT of LOVE" with this intent.
Of all the feelings felt by the heart, LOVE is most certainly the most noble. It is everywhere and in everything. It is us. When we align ourselves with it, it responds by showing itself in our lives.
Maria, I happened to watch a CBS Morning news on January 12th, 2020 and loved what i saw and heard. I went onto the internet to learn more about your work and saw many cute pieces of your work. I love your totems “The Lovebirds”. Do you still make these works of art? Do you have a shop to come and view more of your work? May I ask the price of “The Lovebirds”? I am very interested. Hopefully you’ll respond to fill me in. Everything i looked at and liked said sold on them. So I’d love to see more. If not possible, i do love your work.
Sue Lemke
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